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Is exterior equipment space considered rentable in an industrial project

Steven Cox
HPC Architecture
February 15, 2011

I have a client who is in a dispute with his landlord over rentable square footage for an attached enclosure adjacent to his building. The enclosure was added after the original shell construction. The enclosure has a metal canopy roof cover and three plaster walls. It is not completely enclosed as there are gaps between the enclosure walls and the building and between the enclosure and the metal canopy roof. There is no direct access to the building interior. Exterior access is through two metal gates. The enclosure has lighting but no HVAC. The enclosure houses water treatment equipment and generators.

There is a second enclosure with walls and no roof cover. This one houses mechancial air handling equipment.

At the time the enclosures were constructed the city considered them both to be "Service Yard" and as such they were did not increase the building square footage.

The landlord believes they are both rentable and the tenant believes them to be non-rentable sf. In looking at the Boma definition "industrial plant" I believe the covered enclosure to be rentable and the uncovered to be non-rentable.

Can you confirm both intreptations?

Adam Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
February 16, 2011

Hi Steven,

The "Industrial Plant" definition states that multiple buildings (including accessory buildings) can be included in total floor area, however it states that such buildings must be used for "industrial activities" and must be fully enclosed.

Neither of the buildings you describe are fully enclosed, so no, they should not be included in the total floor area.

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