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Inter-Building Area

Cristina Darter
July 15, 2024

Hello, I've been working on a building BOMA calculation that includes amenities that need to be calculated as Inter-building Areas, and I have a couple questions.

First, can you please confirm that in the formula for IBAA Spreadsheet final column (IBLF) the first factor "Total Inter-Building Allocation) is the total for the tenant and not the total for building.

Second, trying to backcheck my numbers. page 93 states that we can Error check our numbers :
Floor Rentable Area = Rentable Area = Reallocated Rentable Area.
However, when I look at the spread sheet examples provided this does not look correct. In all of the examples, Rentable Area (col N) never equals Reallocated Rentable Area (col O). Is this a mistake? How can I correct this because it does make sense that columns D, N & O should all be equal.

I would be happy to share my spreadsheets, as I would love to find a resolution!

thank you!!

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 16, 2024

Hi Cristina,

Each row of the "Total Inter-Building Allocation" column is the sum of each Tenant's Proportionate Allocation of any Inter-Building Areas that have been allocated to them. The Building Total of Inter-Building Areas (9,402.91) is at the bottom of the column.

For your second question, the last sentence on page 93 says "In the case of a Multi-Building Set,
the sum total of all Buildings is used for the purpose of error checking"

You need to add up the Building Totals of those columns together for all the buildings in the complex. So if you have two buildings, add the sum of the two building's "Floor Rentable Area" and compare that with the same for "Rentable Area" and "Reallocated Rentable Area." The multi-building set sum totals with all buildings included should all be equal. Your Global Summary Areas report for a single building in a multi-building set will not have equal results if Inter-Building Area(s) in one building are being allocated to another building because some of the "Floor Rentable Area" / "Rentable Area" in one building is showing up in the other building's "Reallocated Rentable Area."


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