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Envelope Boundary Line for Occupant Area in Industrial Buildings

June 23, 2024

I am seeking clarification regarding the ANSI/BOMA Z65.2-2019 (Industrial Buildings) concerning the boundary line on the exterior walls of occupant areas.

In Section 2.1, the standard outlines that all exterior wall boundary lines are taken from where the extent of the permanent roof covers the floor from above. This is specified when calculating the Boundary Area (IPMS 1-Industrial).

However, when calculating occupant area on the ground floor and all upper floors, the exterior columns of the building protrude farther than the exterior wall facade on the exterior of the building. Furthermore, a parapet wall is flush with the furthest point of these columns at the topmost portion of the building (6th floor). Does this mean that the occupant area boundary on the exterior wall will be taken from the outer face of the columns (as a permanent roof technically covers it) or rather this boundary line will only extend to the exterior most face of the envelope wall of the building (closer in than the columns that protrude farther than the facade wall?

I am looking for some guidance as section 2.2 (Occupant Area) does not specifically mention the relationship of boundary lines with the exterior wall in any way.

Thank you for your attention to this matter

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
June 25, 2024

Hi Max,

You need to apply the Rentable Exclusions in section 2.2 (Page 16). It would be easier to review a floor plan, but by your description, I believe you are describing an Overhang Area, which is a Rentable Exclusion. An Overhang Area is measured between the vertical plane of the Permanent Roof and either the Building Enclosure or the Permanent Floor.

Occupant Area should include areas that Occupants have "Exclusive Use of". Occupant Areas generally do not extend beyond the Building Enclosure unless the area supports Industrial Activities, such as a covered loading dock.


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