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Neighbourhood Shopping Centre

Bronwen Smith
Valuation Industry
July 26, 2023

Dear Representative,

I've just purchased the BOMA 2020 retail standard and requesting some clarification on the following:

1. Is boundary area for a neighbourhood shopping centre comprised of 4 improvements the boundary area of each of the improvements (both multi and single-tenanted) or the boundary area of the entire site with exclusions for site improvements such as surface parking, sidewalks etc.?

2. For an underground parkade ramp, how much of the ramp is included in the GLA for parkade area? Inclusive of above grade portion and up to the property line or further to the road?

3. Would the floor area under a movator (flattened escalator) be included in GLA?

4. Stairwells to exterior from above grade main level directly to grade level outside of building, such as next to an above grade loading dock - for single or multi-tenant use included as GLA?

Thank you for your time and expertise in advance. I look forward to your response.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 27, 2023

Hi Bronwen,

My responses are below:

1. The Boundary Area may include the entire site, but there are exclusions like the one's you mentioned.

2. Parking Area (except Surface Parking and Roofless Structured Parking) is included in the Boundary Area but it is not included in the GLA at all. It is a Gross Leasable Area Exclusion. Parking Area must be structured and covered in order to be included, including the ramps. Do not include any Parking Area that is not covered.

3. Yes, as long as it complies with the other Boundary Area requirements in the standard.

4. Most likely yes for a single tenant if the stairs meet the "Exclusive Use" definition and other requirements for Gross Leasable Area under the standard. However, the stairs that serve more than one tenant would not be included in GLA - they would be considered a Service and Amenity Area.


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