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This help desk is a free resource intended for discussion purposes only. Neither BOMA, its chapters, affiliates, or Extreme Measures Inc.® are responsible for the information, comments or opinions expressed herein. For complete information, refer to the official publications of the standards themselves.

FAQ & Read-Me Articles
BOMA for Office Overview
BOMA for Industrial Overview
BOMA for Retail Overview
BOMA for Multi-Unit Residential Overview
BOMA Mixed-Use Overview
BOMA Gross Areas Overview
IPMS for Office Overview
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Different area types in 1 building.

Ohad Naim
ONBH Enterprises LLC
February 6, 2023

Dear Mr. Fingret,

I have to calculate the areas according to BOMA for two suites side by side. They are joined by a common wall in the center, but have their own separate entrances. Nothing shared except a 50 SF small lobby.

One suite is a dental clinic. Does that fall under the category of office? And the other on is a bank. Does that fall under the category of retail?

Basically I am asking what categories the dental clinic and the bank fall under.

And if the suites are different area types do we we still need to divide the common area for the office suite (due to the fact that the retail suite rentable area is not calculated with the common area at all)?

After considering all these facts, which BOMA standards will address this scenario?

Many thanks, sir

Ohad Naim

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
February 6, 2023

Hi Ohad,

The specific answer depends on which BOMA standard you are applying. However, regardless of the standard you are applying, the two suites will be calculated in the same manner according to that standard. The only potential exceptions to this would be if you are using Inter-Building Areas (more below) or if you are applying the BOMA Mixed-Use Standard.

In the latest Office Standard, office tenants and retail tenants are calculated in exactly the same manner with the same service and amenity area allocations. Sometimes if a retail tenant does not make use of internal corridors or other service areas, we will not apply the corridors to them by using Inter-Building Area calculations.


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