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Multiple Floor Building with Multiple Dedicated Lobby Spaces

September 13, 2022

I am compiling the BOMA calcs for an office building with 10 floor that has 3 lobbies. Each of the 3 tenants has a dedicated separate lobby space. Can you confirm if each lobby should be counted as occupant space? I do not believe BSA can be split amongst tenants.


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
September 14, 2022

Hi Robert,

If each of the lobby spaces are dedicated to a specific tenant, and they are under the tenant's control then there is no reason to not simply allocate them as Tenant Area. Please read the Tenant Area description and definition in the standard to make sure that this allocation would be appropriate. Otherwise, you can use Inter-Building Area calculations, found in the Advanced Concepts section of the standard to proportionately allocate certain Amenity and Service Areas to specific tenants.


September 14, 2022

Thanks David that makes sense and is fairly simple. In a similar situation to the above is it possible to have one dedicated lobby to a specific tenant and split a second lobby between 2 other tenants? Is there any precedent for this or something I may have missed in the reference standard for how to compute this?

It appears I would need to calculate a building service area/ allocation per tenant to proportion the space appropriately.


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
September 15, 2022

Hi Robert,

Yes you can do that. You can allocate the Tenant lobby that is shared (on a proportionate basis) as an Inter-Building Amenity Area.


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