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Tenant Ancillary Corridors - Section 3.4 - Multi-Oc, Page 78/113

Jacques Cortelyou
First Columbia
August 28, 2022

The Illustration on the Multiple Occupancy plan shows the Tenant Ancillary Area Corridors in Grey but also shows multiple suites using them.

1. Using Method B - Would the Ancillary Areas adjacent to the corridors use only the areas accessible to the suites and if so how would the areas be determined - Pro Rata for the entire building or Pro Rata for those suites isolated?

2. Are these grey areas intended to show a future use? If they are existing would they be treated as Base Building Circulation Areas as shown on Page Left of 75/113 on the Ground Floor? The Ground Floor Plan shows the same condition with 2 suite doors sharing a corridor - Why Aren't these considered TAA's?

3. Does The Ancillary Corridor switch to BBC or BSA ("Common Area") after it is built - or are you saying that it will always be tenant area to "Protect" the originally calculated Load Factor?

Thanks in Advance,

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
August 30, 2022

Hi Jacques. My answers below:

1. There are two types of Ancillary Areas - Extended Circulation and Interior Door Setbacks. Extended Circulation is proportionately allocated to only those suites that use it, whereas Interior Door Setbacks are geometrically delineated rather than proportionately allocated. The proportionate share allocations of Extended Circulation are found in Section 5.2 of the standard (page 94).

2. Tenant Ancillary Area in grey is completely separate from Base Building Circulation in Green. The Base Building Circulation shown on the ground floor example shows the only area on the floor that a tenant could potentially expand to without interfering with access to Service Areas, Egress Corridors, etc. You'll notice that this is allocated as Floor Service Area in Method A.

3. When Base Building Circulation is established, it should remain unchanged for the life of the building in order to stabilize the Load Factor. Service and Amenity Areas should also remain unchanged. Tenant Areas and Tenant Ancillary Areas will change as tenant configurations change, but the idea is that they will always be within the Tenant Area / Tenant Ancillary Area Space Classifications.


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