- Sopheap
- Burgess Design Inc.
- May 10, 2021
The BOMA 2012 Mixed Used refer to using BOMA 2010 when calculating the Office portion of the building. Is it still within BOMA Mixed Used standard if BOMA 2017 is applied instead?
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The BOMA 2012 Mixed Used refer to using BOMA 2010 when calculating the Office portion of the building. Is it still within BOMA Mixed Used standard if BOMA 2017 is applied instead?
Hi Sopheap,
Unfortunately not. The BOMA 2012 Mixed-Use standard is limited to applying the BOMA 2010 Office Standard for the office use-component(s). However, the new BOMA 2021 Mixed-Use Standard should be launched in the fall of 2021 and it will allow any of the BOMA office standards to be used other than BOMA 1980/1989.