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External Circulation VS Internal Circulation

Kristopher Kimball
November 20, 2018

I have a hard time understanding why external circulation is being capitalized the same as interior corridor for the common factor. In my situation, the external circulation goes all around the building to service all tenant entrances which is quite long. Whereas if this was an internal corridor, it would only be central to the building and thus much shorter. So my situation creates quite large common factor because of the long corridor. Also,surely there is much less expense to maintain an external passage? It does not have ceiling system, it isn't conditioned, there is no maintenance of finishes(paint, carpet, lighting, etc). There is some maintenance such as cleaning, painting handrails, etc as would be for a parking but not nearly as extensive as internal corridors. IF you could provide me with some information to guide me here on how to deal with a high common factor I'd appreciate it.

Thank you

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
November 21, 2018

Hi Kris,

I understand your concerns but this is a feature of the standard. External Circulation should only be used if there are no internal corridors providing access to those tenants. If External Circulation is used and you feel that the Load Factor is too high as a result, you always have the option of Capping the Load Factor on that floor or lowering the lease rate.

The latest BOMA 2017 office standard also allows for External Circulation, but there are more rules and limits to its usage which make it a bit more fair and consistent.


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