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BOMA for Office Overview
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BOMA for Multi-Unit Residential Overview
BOMA Mixed-Use Overview
BOMA Gross Areas Overview
IPMS for Office Overview
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Maintenance cost relocation

Volodymyr Velyhorskyi
July 19, 2017

Hello! If not all OCCUPANT AREAs are occupied how should costs for building maintenance be divided? Should they be relocated among existing occupants to cover them in full size or these costs are divided in the same ratio as RENTABLE AREA. For example, I pay 5 USD maintainance cost per square meter of RENTABLE AREA and my RENTABLE AREA is 200 square meters, thus I pay 1000 USD for maintanence cost. Some OFFICE AREAs are vacant but maintenace cost for building is fixed. Should these costs be relocated among existing tenants (for instance I will pay 1200 USD instead of 1000). Maintenance cost is separate from rent cost.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
July 19, 2017


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