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Street frontage

Dominic Tremblay
May 14, 2015

I think there is a discrepancy in the BOMA STANDARD for OFFICE, 1996.

On page 14, the FLOOR USABLE AREA is shown as following the building line for all the left side, meaning that the BUILDING COMMON AREA of the entrance on this side would follow the BUILDING LINE too.

On page 22, the same BUILDING COMMON AREA is shown as following the dominant portion of the wall.

What is the rule to follow? Considering STREET FRONTAGE, should it apply to only STORE and OFFICE area? All areas? What about FLOOR COMMON AREAS?

Thank you for your answer

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
May 15, 2015

Hi Dominic,

We are aware of this discrepancy. On Page 22, "Measuring Building Common Area" it says "Building Common Areas are measured like an Office Area or Store Area...". Therefore, I believe the illustration on page 14 is correct.


Dominic Tremblay
May 15, 2015

Thank you for your answer. I am a little mixed up... On the question "Does Street Frontage apply to Building Common Area?" asked on this forum on December 2013, you answered "Building Common Area should be measured to the dominant portion of the inside finished surface regardless of street frontage or not. Street frontage does not apply to Building Common Area as per page 22 of the standard."

Does that mean that we can interpret and do as we like?

What about Floor Common Areas... Are these like Building Common Areas?

Thanks David

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
May 19, 2015

Hi Dominic,

The problem with having conflicting information in the standard is that you get conflicting responses! Now that I've taken a second look at this issue, I believe the wording in the standard is more critical than the illustrations. Again, page 22 says that "Building Common Areas are measured like an Office Area or Store Area..."

The Store Area condition does not apply to Floor Common Area. Floor Common Area is not like Building Common Area. Building Common Area is measured like a tenant area and is considered part of the Usable Area, whereas, Floor Common Area is the remainder of Floor Rentable Area and Floor Usable Area. Floor Common Area is proportionately allocated to tenant areas and building common areas.


Dominic Tremblay
May 21, 2015

Thank you David, you've been a great help!!

Ruben Melendez
ARK Design LLC
February 6, 2023

Concerning street frontage calculations: Does that same apply regarding calculating to the front of the building, ground floor only, for rentable area, if the space is fronting a "secondary" street, and not a major street? Meaning the secondary street is accessed from the major street, but leads to other offices and shopping center.

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
February 6, 2023

Hi Ruben,

There is no condition for a major street vs. a secondary street. The only requirements are Street Frontage and Retail Occupancy. The BOMA 1996 standard's supplementary document known as "ANSWERS TO 26 KEY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ANSI/BOMA STANDARD METHOD FOR MEASURING FLOOR AREA IN OFFICE BUILDINGS" includes a question and answer that may offer you some additional insights. Question 8 states:

8. If a Store Area is on a corner, is the measurement taken to the building line on both sides? Does it matter whether entrances to the space are located on both sides?

A: Store Area requires a street frontage and a ground level. It is possible for a square building to meet these conditions on every one of its sides. In that situation and on that level, the Dominant Portion would be the building line on each side. However, the sides do not have to be at the same level. A building can have street frontage and ground level on one side (e.g., Floor 1) and street frontage and ground level (e.g., Floor 3). Each of those two floors would be considered Store Area, and the Dominant Portion would be the building line. Having a separate street entrance for the space is not a requirement in determining street frontage for a Store Area.


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