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This help desk is a free resource intended for discussion purposes only. Neither BOMA, its chapters, affiliates, or Extreme Measures Inc.® are responsible for the information, comments or opinions expressed herein. For complete information, refer to the official publications of the standards themselves.

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BOMA for Office Overview
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BOMA Multi-Unit Residential / Multi-Family and Hospitality Properties Overview
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BOMA Gross Areas Overview
IPMS for Office Overview
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Is the 1996 version still allowable?

Nathan Turner
Margulies Perruzzi Architects
September 5, 2014

I am working with a property owner that purchased a portfolio of Buildings in the early 2000s. Since they have a bunch of older brick and beam buildings in a campus setting and they were purchased before the 2010 update, can we still legitimately reference the 1996 version of the BOMA standards?

Any thoughts on potential conflicts going forward would be appreciated.


David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
September 5, 2014

Hi Nathan,

There are no BOMA police or other governing bodies preventing you from using BOMA 1996. BOMA 1996 is still in active use today and is still ANSI approved. First and foremost, you should use the standard or methodology stated in any existing lease documents for existing leases and any other standard or methodology the property owner wants to use moving forward. BOMA 1996 is certainly a viable option but you may want to consider the BOMA 2010 Office Standard as well.


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