- Tawny Correa
- Tawny Correa
- March 15, 2012
Can I use standard IGA boundaries for floors that are entirely Office use? If so, what about floors where it's 90% Office use?
Or is it correct to use EGA for spaces throughout?
I'm aware of the IGA/EGA conversion but it seems it's only for MUCA spaces. How would the actual office spaces be adjusted?
Thank you!
- Adam Fingret
- Extreme Measures Inc.
- March 16, 2012
Hi Tawny,
Use the IGA boudaries for office floors as per the office standard. The IGA/EGA ratio only applies to MUCA spaces (you will notice that the global summary of areas does not account for EGA at all). And remember that the IGA/EGA Ratio only applies to MUCA's contained within office use components. Office components should not be otherwise adjusted - the overarching goal of the Mixed Use Standard is "business-as-usual" with respect to the indivitual-use Standards, with minimal disruption only for the inclusion/allocation of MUCA spaces.
The 90% Office Use question is a little more difficult to answer and depends on your configuration and possibly governing documents. If the 10% non-office space could normally be accomodated by the Office Standard (like a coffee shop for example), then I would suggest you incorporate it into the office component in order to minimize complication. If however, the 10% is a totally distinct use (such as a dedicated multi-residential lobby for example), then this should be allocated as a Multi-Res Component.
I hope that I am hitting on the right points here and answering your question.