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Do on-site management & maintenance offices count as Building Service Area (BSA)?

James Luck
April 15, 2024

In a multi-building office complex, would a central office for management and maintenance of the properties be considered building service area (BSA)? I see in BOMA 2024 for Offices, #3.2 - Space Classifications, it lists "building operating rooms/offices" as BSA. Does a management & maintenance office qualify under this definition?

If it does qualify, this opens up two more questions:
1. How would it be allocated across the buildings, since this is servicing the needs of all buildings rather than just the one it is located in?
2. Would all aspects of the office be considered BSA, or only the portions that specifically serve the building? For example, would the maintenance offices be included, but not the break room for the office?

Thank you!

David Fingret
Extreme Measures Inc.
April 16, 2024

Hi James,

In most cases we allocate such offices as Tenant Area. If a building operating rooms/office is subgrade or unlikely to be convertible to Tenant Area, then we would usually allocate it as Building Service Area.

If you do need to allocate a management office as a common area, then you have some options. If the office is on a Tenanted Floor and it's being allocated to multiple buildings across a complex then the office could be designated as a Inter-Allocated Amenity Area. You should use "Amenity Area" rather than "Service Area" because an Amenity Area will take a proportionate share of Floor Service Areas, whereas a Service Area will not. This way, other tenants on the same Floor as the management office will not be unfairly paying for a larger share of the Floor Service Areas. Conversely, if the management office is unlikely to be convertible to Tenant Area and it serves an office complex, we would designate it as an Inter-Allocated Service Area.

Generally, we would include all portions of the office in question in a single Space Classification; however, the standard doesn't prevent you from breaking it down needed.

It should be noted that the entire complex will need to be measured in order to apply Inter-Allocated Areas.

I hope this helps.


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